Never drag-and-drop shifts again

Use artificial intelligence to assign your shifts and cut your scheduling costs in half with AI.


Getting started

Learn how to integrate Datapult into your WFM.

In this article we will give you a quick overview of our API.

This document walks you through how to use our AI to assign employees to shifts in a schedule.

If you have any questions just reach out to us at If you have any questions, feel free to [email protected].


We use standard token authentication to get you started quickly.

Understanding the request

Learn how the API works in details.

Parsing the response

Here is how you get your optimal schedule back.

API reference

Learn to easily customize and modify your app's visual design to fit your brand.

Why Scheduling is Hard for Your Clients

Scheduling is a complex problem due to the exponential growth of possible solutions. For example, a simple schedule with 2 shifts and 2 employees has 9 possible solutions. As the number of shifts and employees increases, the number of potential schedules grows exponentially, making it infeasible to solve through brute force methods. Additionally, scheduling must take into account various constraints such as labor laws, employee availabilities, and qualifications, further complicating the task.

The Solution

With our API, you can simply POST your schedule to us, and we will return the optimal schedule based on your specified rules and constraints. Our data structure is highly abstracted, allowing it to accommodate any scheduling problem, whether simple or complex. This flexibility ensures that our API can handle a wide range of scheduling scenarios effectively.

How We Do It

Our API leverages a highly abstract, flexible, and intentionally verbose data structure. This design allows clients to represent a wide array of constraints and rules, including labor laws, employee availabilities, and qualifications. By structuring the data in this way, we ensure that our scheduling engine can process and optimize schedules according to the specific needs and requirements of each client.

Our approach includes:

  • Abstract Data Modeling: We use a versatile data model that can represent various scheduling constraints and rules.
  • Advanced Optimization Algorithms: Our AI-powered algorithms find the optimal schedule efficiently, even for complex scenarios.
  • Scalability: Our API is designed to handle large-scale scheduling problems, making it suitable for organizations of all sizes.

Explore the sections below to get started with integrating our API into your WFM system.

GDPR Compliance

A Note on Privacy!

You might be concerned that using a scheduling API could pose a GDPR risk. However, our API operates on anonymized IDs, ensuring that personal data remains protected.

According to GDPR, identifiers are considered personally identifiable information (PII) only if they can reasonably be used to identify an individual. To comply with GDPR and safeguard privacy, ensure that you use random, anonymized identifiers when interacting with our API. These random identifiers should be mapped to your internal identifiers on your side, ensuring that no personally identifiable information is transmitted to us.

By following this practice, you can leverage the full capabilities of our scheduling API without compromising privacy or violating GDPR regulations.